attain an integral educational
development of the person through the
learning the new language and its
associated culture, so that he may
interrelate with different human groups
and can evolve and thrive in a
globalized world in order to update his
personal and professional knowledge.
The students are considered as a central
position constituting the main referent
for the professor, and the following
considerations are taken into account in
the planning and scheduling of the
classroom lessons:
a) Improving the learning process
through five lexical, phonological,
orthographical, sociolinguistical and
pragmatical competencies of the
English language, based on strategies
developed to enhance and interact with
the linguistic skills: oral and written
comprehension, oral and written
expression, and oral interaction
(Council of Europe, 2009), to train the
students in their specific context and
b) The focus on human rights makes
people aware of their responsibilities
and rights, dealing with different
themes in each unit such as: health,
human relationships, ethics and values,
environment, biodiversity, identity,
pluriculturality and an education for a
peaceful culture.
c) The human being’s four scopes --
conceptual, axiological, pragmatic and
volitional (Table 1) --sets the
fundamental abilities to develop:
creative mind, reflecting, researching
and taking decisions respecting values,
pointing to an integral and holistic
formation, and improving the student’s
development in his four scopes:
Conceptual contents directly in
relation with the knowledge people
have regarding things, information,
facts, concepts, principles, rules and
Pragmatic contents related with
how people execute actions,
intellectual and creative abilities
including skills, strategies and
processes which imply a well-ordered
sequence of acts or operations to reach
an aim.
Axiological contents directly linked
with values, norms, emotions, beliefs
and behavior geared to maintain a
social and personal balance.
Volitional contents linked with
leadership, entrepreneurship,
inventiveness, pro-activity,
creativeness, etc.
The curriculum design method
developed in recent decades by
language educator Jack Richards
(Richards, 2001) was taken into
account to develop a scaffolded
61 Improving the English language