Attack of noctuidae larvae: A risk factor for the availability of pasture in cattle farms in the Ecuadorian Amazon region




Pennisetum purple, pasto CT-115, nocturnal larvae, defoliation, plagues


In this paper we report the defoliation of the pasture grass Pennisetum purpureum, variety CT-115, by larvae of an undetermined species of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) at the Universidad Estatal Amazónica in Pastaza province, Ecuador. The assessment of the defoliation daily rate of by the larval complex was studied under laboratory conditions. The larvae had an average leaf consumption 30718.34 mm2, reaching maximum daily defoliation of grass 43 750 mm2. The results show that the larval complex attack represents a potential danger to the availability of pastores in livestock pasture systems in the region, and suggest the need for programs of integrated pest management to reduce the potential economic losses that could cause these noctuid insects.


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How to Cite

Silva, V., & Marrero Artabe, L. (2012). Attack of noctuidae larvae: A risk factor for the availability of pasture in cattle farms in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(2), 112–117.