Dasometric increases in plantations of Tectona grandis L. f. (Teak) in the province of Guayas: influence in the landscape environment of the area





Silvicultural management, flora, fauna, growth projections, ages, teak


The investigation was carried out with the purpose of determining the increase in the variables diameter and height of plantations of the forest species Tectona grandis L. f. (Teak), and its influence on the landscape environment of the area that would affect the flora and fauna existing in the plantations evaluated; These data provide a projection of the time it will take for plantations of this species to be exploited, in addition to determining the impact they generate on the landscape of the area. The projection was carried out with the Maple 18 mathematical software applied to a database elaborated in the Excel program which was registered in teak plantations established in the Balzar canton of the Guayas province. It was found that over the years the forest species provides many benefits to the landscape because of its impact on the contribution to the habitat of specimens of flora and fauna, in addition that the ecological succession observed was interesting in regards to regeneration of floristic species especially in places where silvicultural management was performed. The analyzed sites are suitable for the cultivation of teak, analyzing the projections made based on the data obtained in the plots established in each of them. The growth projections made to the species under study, showed that the increase in diameter and height are practically homogeneous; the data reflect that to reach a commercial diameter the plantation needs 21 years, presenting DAP of 33.64 centimeters (1,646 cm / year) and 31,70 meters high (1.55 m / year); The ratio of height to diameter is 94, this means that the growths remain constant and the ratio is that for every centimeter that increases in diameter, the tree increases its height approximately one meter.


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How to Cite

López Tobar, R., Montilla López, Y., Solano Apuntes, E., Belezaca Pinargote, C., & Núñez Castro, M. (2019). Dasometric increases in plantations of Tectona grandis L. f. (Teak) in the province of Guayas: influence in the landscape environment of the area. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 8(2), 107–113. https://doi.org/10.59410/RACYT-v08n02ep02-0111



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