Probiotic additives obtained in Cuba




Probiotics, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bacillus subtilis, productive indicators


The experiences obtained in the Center of Biotechnical Studies of the University of Matanzas, Cuba in the development of probiotics starting from locally available residual material or by-products were analyzed. The results are presented for two products: one from a cultivation of Bacillus subtilis and another from a cultivation of Lactobacillus salivarius, evaluated by means of a randomized experimental design with 300 chickens and 3 treatments: control group, group with cultivation of B. subtilis and group with cultivation of L. salivarius. Mean weight of the chickens, weight gain, conversion index, viability, channel weight and relationship channel weight / live weigh were studied. The best results were reached with the cultivation of L. salivarius (p<0.05). These results, demonstrate that it is possible, under the current conditions of Cuba, to develop alternative products as alternatives to antibiotics as growth additive in animal production.


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How to Cite

Milian, G., Rondón, A. J. ., Laurencio, M., Ramón, & Pérez, M. (2012). Probiotic additives obtained in Cuba. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(2), 118–125.