Probiotic effect of BIOPRANAL on bioproductive and health indicators in calves




animal feed, protein biomass, Biopranal, nutritional composition, probiotic, calf


The probiotic effect of the proteic biomass for animal feeding (BIOPRANAL) in calves was tested on 40 selected Siboney neonates, with a mean live weight of 34 kg ± 0,23 and mean height of 65 cm ± 1,5 cm. The control and study groups comprised 20 calves, with a similar mean weight among the treatments. The study group was given an oral dose of 15 ml of BIOPRANAL/calf/day on alternate days during the 50-day experimental period. The results demonstrate an increased mean weight gain of 5,3 kg for the study group (p <0,05) and an increased height gain of 2 cm. The BIOPRANAL treatment also had positive health effects: the control group had 50% more animals illnesses a 10% of increase lymphocytes in the haematological in comparison with the study group. In economic terms, the study group with the probiotic treatment yielded a gain in value of 28,0% ($24,8) over the the control group. With these results, the use of the probiotic BIOPRANAL is recommended to improve weight gain and health parameters in calves.


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How to Cite

Marin-Cárdenas, A., Garcia, A., Gutiérrez Parra, M., González Castellanos, M. ., & Ochieng, O. . (2012). Probiotic effect of BIOPRANAL on bioproductive and health indicators in calves. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(2), 126–133.