Effect of a humic extract in productive indicators in Zea mays L





sustainability agriculture, foliar application, humic dilutions, maize


The vermicompost humic extracts constitute an alternative for the sustainable agrarian production that allows to diminish the use of synthetic products, aggressive to the human and animal health, and to reduce the production costs, due to their easy access for the farmers. Determine the influence of foliar applications of different dilutions of a liquid extract (rich in humic substances) obtained starting from a vermicompost of bovine manure, on productive indicators in corn plants (Zea mays L.) was the objective of this investigation. Under a completely random design, with three repetitions, applications were carried out of three dilutions of the humic extract (1:40, 1:60 and 1:80, v:v) in three moments (15, 30 and 45 days after the sowing), and a group of plants that stayed without application was assumed as control. Some properties of the obtained extract were analyzed and their effect was evaluated on the productive indicators: number of ears for plant, number of grains for rows, diameter of the ear (with and without grains), longitude of the ear, number of rows for ear, mass of 100 grains, mass of the production (with and without straw) and yield. For the multiple comparison of stockings was used the Turkey test to 95% of trust. Eight variables manifested stimuli before the application of leachates, showing the best responses in presence of dilutions 1:60 and 1:80 (v:v), with yields above 12,6 t.ha-1 (considering the cob mass).


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How to Cite

Alvarez Lima, J., Martínez Balmori, D., & Guridi Izquierdo, F. (2020). Effect of a humic extract in productive indicators in Zea mays L. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 9(2), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.59410/RACYT-v09n02ep02-0130



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