Tourist potential of the Puyo – Fátima – 10 de Agosto Road Circuit, in the Pastaza Province – Ecuador




Baseline, tourist attraction, microenterprise , complementary service, valuation


Within the natural places has Ecuador, is Pastaza province, which holds a large percentage of the natural environment, cultural diversity and variety of tourist opportunities have promoted faster growth and tourism development in the last decade. Puyo is a city that is characterized by its development to transcend time, which today is characterized by productivity potentiate to diversify tourism in the three corridors road circuit that includes interprovincial connection (Puyo-Baños, Puyo-Tena and Puyo-Macas). The evaluation identified the presence of 45 towns covering the settlement of 3112 families, which belong mostly mestizo sector. As well as the existence of 15 attractions with the largest tourist visitation: BoayacuPuyo, OmaereEthnobo- tanical Park, Exotic Bird Park, Botanical Gardens Orchids, Paseo de los Monos D `Marcos Resort, Resort Los Chorritos, Refugio Yanacocha Wildlife, Fatima Dike, Dike Murialdo, Refugio Zoo Eden, River Anzu, Puyo Garden, FincaRe- creational Naveda Santos and Finca El Eden. We identified 37 small enterprises (panela, cheese factory, sale anthuriums and orchids) and within complementary services allow tourists to visit and choose according to their preferences and reasons for traveling, with regard to housing and feeding identified five establishments. The main advantage of the circuit is to have a first-class road, good accessibility to visit scenarios identified.


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How to Cite

Reyes Vargas, M. V. ., & Ortega Ocana, A. F. (2013). Tourist potential of the Puyo – Fátima – 10 de Agosto Road Circuit, in the Pastaza Province – Ecuador. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 53–67.



Eco y Agroturismo, Patrimonio y Saberes Ancestrales