Reflections on the concept of Sustainable Tourism and its integration in the current Ecuadorian sociopolitical context




Sustainable Developement, Weak sustainability, strong sustainability, Sustainable Tourism, Good living, PLANDETUR


Last decades Sustainable Tourism, has been wide acceptance in international, regional and national politics. However, in most cases there has been few reflec- tions on what should be the approach to follow, and a definition of its objectives and values. This article is a reflection on Sustainable Tourism, based on the study of the evolution of sustainable development, the theoretical analysis of the concept and a review of international documents and their main contributions. It also discusses the integration of Sustainable Tourism in Ecuador's current social-political context defined by the Constitution of 2008, the Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir and, specifically, the Plan estratégico de desarrollo de turismo sostenible para Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Hernanz, I. M., & Martín Gil, F. . (2013). Reflections on the concept of Sustainable Tourism and its integration in the current Ecuadorian sociopolitical context. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 68–88.



Eco y Agroturismo, Patrimonio y Saberes Ancestrales