Physiological Condition of Bovine Ovaries in the Morona Santiago Canton


  • Luis Alonso Condo Plaza Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo image/svg+xml
  • Fabián Danilo Reyes Silva National University of Rosario image/svg+xml
  • Carlos Octavio Larrea Izurieta Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo image/svg+xml
  • Pablo Roberto Marini National University of Rosario image/svg+xml



physiological state, ovaries, corpus luteum, follicle


In this article the structure of the ovaries of cattle in the Ecuadorian Amazon is evaluated. The information obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square method was used. It was determined that 25,7  % of the females were pregnant and those newly initiated puberty period accounted for 74,2 % of which were found all empty. In the right ovary the highest proportion of corpora lutea 66,6 %, which differ significantly from the number of corpora lutea of the left  ovary  presented  33,3  %  was  determined. The  presence  of  functioning ovaries, a greater proportion determined on the left 68,9 % which causes differ significantly from the functional to the right ovary. It was also determined only a bleeding body in the left ovary. Five animals with nonfunctional ovaries of which two of them corresponded to the left ovary equal to 40 % and 60 % of these the right ovary, which differ significantly between met. It is concluded that the structures found differ in frequency of occurrence between the left and right ovary.


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How to Cite

Condo Plaza, L. A., Reyes Silva, F. D., Larrea Izurieta, C. O., & Marini, P. R. (2015). Physiological Condition of Bovine Ovaries in the Morona Santiago Canton. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 4(2), 119–130.