In situ characterization of the morphological variability in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) from Pastaza Province


  • Guillermo Perez Garcia University of Ciego de Ávila image/svg+xml
  • Cristian Chimborazo Sarabia Ministerio de Agricultura
  • Jorge Freile Almeida Universidad Estatal Amazónica image/svg+xml



Morphological variability, selection, similarity, rescued trees


Presently work was analyzed the morphological variability of the cocoa crop in existence in the Pastaza Province, in places that were previously defined, those were selected plants, that make traps of the behavior of all the notable production and its resistance to illnesses. Forty-eight individuals were valued, of which three witnesses were included that were the CCN-51, ISC95 and National clones, those were characterized by its high production and quality and its resistance to the moniliasis. Thirty-two variables were evaluated so much qualitative as quantitative of the fruit, seeds, leaves, and flowers with the objective of characterize the individuals, analyzed statistically by means of multivaried analysis. The characteristics of its flowers were the descriptors that allowed to separate individuals with major accuracy, those that grouped toward the clones utilized as witness, as well as for sectors, what demonstrated regionalization of the materials analyzed responding to the Triunfo area, toward the National cocoa, Canelos trees toward the ICS95 and the Arajuno area that did not show likeness with the clones witness. Twenty-five outstanding trees were selected.


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How to Cite

Pérez Garcia, G., Chimborazo Sarabia, C., & Freile Almeida, J. A. (2015). In situ characterization of the morphological variability in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) from Pastaza Province. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 4(2), 146–165.