Permanent program of analysis of the tourist demand of Puyo for a sustainable tourism




Indicators, Permanent Program, Tourism System, Sustainability


Communication is essential for social change, respecting languages and history. Ecuador since 2015 uses a strategic tool that allows it to update tourism statistics through the economic aspect. In the Amazon, the scarce and informal statistical information on tourism demand that supports decision-making led to the Amazon State University implementing its OT-UEA Tourist Observatory. This research was based on the Observatory Management Model, to create the Permanent Tourism Demand Analysis Program. The methodology that was applied for the search of knowledge was the direct observation expressed by the perceptions of the visitors who went to the tourist attractions of Puyo. With the main variables identified, the survey was designed for visitors who arrived at the most popular tourist attractions. To relate the qualitative indicators, the Contingency Tables and Chi-Square Test were used. The results showed tourist demand based on the most significant variables. It was established that institutions that have competition within tourism lack information on tourism demand, therefore, the permanent program was designed and implemented, which allows to know data for the decision-making of tourism actors. With these results, the first Newsletter OT-UEA 2018 was prepared for its dissemination, which will serve as an instrument for the decision-making of the actors within the tourism system and will be updated permanently in quarterly periods.


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How to Cite

Pinta Rodríguez, M. I., Chávez Esponda, D., & Ruiz Mármol, E. E. (2019). Permanent program of analysis of the tourist demand of Puyo for a sustainable tourism. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 8(2), 192–201.



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