Tourist capacity analysis of Taisha county according to the tourist and cultural diagnosis




Cultural Management, Sustainable tourism, community tourism operations, Amazonian biodiversity, development tourism plan, Taisha


The general objective of the diagnosis was "to improve the participative municipal planning in cultural and tourist management of the Taisha county  through a better knowledge of its cultural manifestations and tourist attractions and challenges". The third specific objective made special reference to the tourism sector, namely: "Evaluate the tourism capacity of the county capital, including existing commercial establishments and tourism service providers", which includes SWOT analysis, inventory and surveys of service providers, and surveys of tourist satisfaction and of profile. The results presented in this article are those related to this last objective. The methodology used was exploratory, descriptive, analytical, quantitative and qualitative. The conclusions and especially the recommendations, as part of the diagnosis, are a contribution to the operational planning of the Tourism Directorate of the Taisha county, especially now that a new management is beginning (2019-2023).


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How to Cite

del Corral Villarroel, V. H., Cabrero Miret, F., Mejía Pazmiño, L. A., & Castro, P. (2019). Tourist capacity analysis of Taisha county according to the tourist and cultural diagnosis. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 8(2), 223–234.



Artículos de Investigación