Environmental impacts generated by the dam of Pindo river in Shell, canton of Mera





Biodiversity, water quality, environmental impact, Social acceptability


This research shows the major environmental impacts that are generated for the dam installs, located in Pindo River, parish Shell, Mera canton. Information about vegetation, ecosystems, flows, and environmental quality for water in function was collected of physical-chemical, microbiologic, parameters and macro invertebrates as water quality indicators. Polls to determinate the social acceptability for the project were developed. The sampling was carried out in 6 points for water samples in the river and 2 in their tributaries were taken. The assessment impacts were performed by the importance formula of Conessa Fernandez- Vìtora. We conclude that the installations can be developed in a zone that in the beginning has few population but what this when being populated throughout the years, was influenced by the economics activities of the dam. In the influence area, there a great floristic diversity, showed a secondary forest for enhancement. In environmental water quality, the high basin have a good water quality, in the dam shows a regular quality, and the after dam sector shows good water quality. The analysis of Macro invertebrates shows a worst water quality conditions in the dam sector. The principal impacts are related with the solid waste and waste water generation of the installations in the near zones. In general the project has an influence in socio economics activities to the population


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How to Cite

Abril Saltos, R. V., Rodríguez Badillo, L. M., Landázuri Pualacin, J. R., & Santi Salazar, G. J. (2014). Environmental impacts generated by the dam of Pindo river in Shell, canton of Mera. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 3(3), 258–284. https://doi.org/10.59410/RACYT-v03n03ep04-0044



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