Determination of hematological values in Creole goats supplemented with Moringa oleifera Lam located in the deciduous l1owland forest




Blood biochemistry, creole goats, hematology, littoral, Moringa


The work was carried out in the Support Unit of the Santa Elena Peninsula State University located in Manglaralto, the objective was to determine the hematological values of Creole goats fed with experimental diets that included foraging of Moringa oleifera Lam. at different cutting ages 60 and 75 days, the diets covered the nutritional requirements of the animals for maintenance, the blood analysis was carried out on eight creole goats from 24 to 36 months of age with weights of 35 kg. In the study, three blood samples were taken from each goat at 15-day intervals to evaluate the erythrocyte, leukocyte, glucose, urea creatinine, AST and ALt series. An ANOVA was used for data analysis and a comparison of means according to Tukey (p<0,05) in the INFOSTAT statistical package and homogeneity tests with Chi-square test in the STATGRAPHICS was used to detect differences between treatments. The results of the blood samples in the animals that consumed the experimental diets did not show statistical differences (p>0,05), however, the values of the leukocyte series in the treatment of Moringa at 60 days of age raised the normal high index in comparison with the other treatments indica- ting that at a lower age of cutting Moringa oleifera Lam. helps to raise the immune system, the glucose that started the study with very high rates of normal decreased with respect to the shorter cutting time, being an alternative that favors to citrus growers in the area.


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How to Cite

Chávez-García, D., Acosta Lozano, N., & Andrade Yucailla, V. C. (2019). Determination of hematological values in Creole goats supplemented with Moringa oleifera Lam located in the deciduous l1owland forest. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 8(2), 180–191.



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