Determinants of tourist expenditure in the province of Pastaza, Ecuador. A quantitative analysis




Tourist expenditure, Amazon, Ecuador


With data from a survey conducted by the Touristic Observatory of the Amazon State University at Puyo, Ecuador (OT-UEA), this paper analyzes the determinants of the expenditure levels of tourists visiting Pastaza. The results show that individuals aged around 45 who have completed university education, have high income, come from abroad, visit Pastaza for the first time, stay in Pastaza for around three nights and are satisfied with service of lodging and restaurant. These results are important for the policy making aiming to position Pastaza within the segment of tourists who spend the most during their stay.


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How to Cite

Vasco, C., Tamayo, G., Palacios, M. F., & Abril, V. H. (2014). Determinants of tourist expenditure in the province of Pastaza, Ecuador. A quantitative analysis. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 3(2), 89–104.



Eco y Agroturismo, Patrimonio y Saberes Ancestrales