Socio-productive system and governance model in the Kichwa community "Shiwakucha", Pastaza, Ecuador




Land use, livelihoods, governance, Ecuadorian Amazon


Kichwa people are one of the 14 ethnics officially recognized in Ecuador, they are representing the highest indigenous population and mainly live in the Andean and Amazonian regions. In the latter region, they provide a specifically high proportion of the population in the provinces of Napo, Orellana and Pastaza. The present research analyzes the interactions between socio-ecological and productive systems in the Kichwa community of Shiwakucha, characterized by easy and constant access, localized at only 12.8 km with respect to the urban center of the canton Arajuno, province of Pastaza. The majority of the Shiwakucha population belong to the same ethnic group and manage their territory collectively, under the protection of the Association of Indigenous Leaders (ACIA). The field phase was developed in two months of work with qualitative methods (semi-structured interviews), social cartography geo-referenced, dialogue and participant observation, we also used the quantitative methods through a survey applied to 89% of permanent households of the community. The results show that 47% of the population who permanently are living in Shiwakucha are bilingual (Spanish-Kichwa), 33% can communicate exclusively in the traditional language (Kichwa) and 20% are mainly speaking Spanish. The male population has better possibilities to access higher formal education, compared with the female population. The main economic activity is agriculture, with a mixture of traditional practices (chakra) and exogenous models. In the community, the people use on average 2,9 ha of crops and 20,3 ha of secondary and primary forest at the household level. The community is located on collective lands of a kichwa association (ACIA) that helps to regulate and protect the lands since the agrarian reform. Since the integration with ACIA and other external bodies, Shiwakucha has a combination of informal indigenous and formal rules. The discussion focuses on the important effect of access roads and a related change in land use away from subsistence-related agriculture towards monocultures with implications for food security


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How to Cite

Ospina, V., Torres Navarrete, S. B., Köthke, M., Kapp, G., Fischer, R., & Günter, S. (2017). Socio-productive system and governance model in the Kichwa community "Shiwakucha", Pastaza, Ecuador. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 6(2), 126–149.



Ciencias Forestales, Desarrollo Sostenible y Bioeconomía

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