Identification of the determining factors in milk production in the province of Pastaza




milk production, impacts, classification, typing, statistical model


In order to classify and typify dairy farms in Pastaza - Ecuador was used the Model Statistical Measurement Impact (MEMI). free factors were determined: the "Herd and production" explains 38.7% of the variance of the system, defined by the variables: number of cows, females for breeding, milking cows and milk production. In the "Edaphoclimatic situation" 27.8% of the variance and 66.5% accumulated by the adjusted model is relates to: slope, area compatible with the grazing, gullies and soil depth. And the "Exploitation size” exposes the 78.7% of the cumulative variance. The impact index contributed for determine the behavior and the main problems affecting the development of the farms. To 50% of the Euclidean distance in the dendrogram conform four groups: First: In 47 farms of 45 hectares located at 16% slope, with a 22 cm soil depth and fewer gullies 32.5 ha-1, 86.4% is compatible with grazing, produce 22.3 thousand liters (ML) of milk. Second: 26 farms located in areas with steeper slope 47%, with smaller areas in livestock use, 12.5 females for breeding and consequently lower production of milk 16.8 ML of milk. These have the least depth of floor 15.3 cm and 104.2 gullies (ha-1); have high negative impact caused by erosion. Third 9 farms have averaged 137.3 ha, 101.6 ha is used for livestock, and 57.8% of the area is compatible with grazing. the reproductive indicators are superior and an annual production of 45.5 ML. Fourth: 8 properties with slopes 50.6%, 47.5% compatible with grazing. Farms are the largest annual milk production 53.5 thousand liters, but with many gullies (ha-1).


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How to Cite

Segura Chávez, E. O., Coronel Espinoza, B. D., Heredia Rengifo, M. G., Landines Vera, E., & Muñoz Rengifo, J. C. (2017). Identification of the determining factors in milk production in the province of Pastaza. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 6(1), 21–34.