Sources of credit and characteristics of credit users in Ecuador. An analysis with emphasis on the rural sector




Credit sources, formal credit, informal credit, rural, credit users


This paper analyzes the demographic characteristics of Ecuadorian credit receivers. By means of a multinomial logit model the factors that drive credit receivers to choose one source of credit over the others. The results suggest that governmental credit programs have been successful in providing with credit to population segments (women, ethnic minorities, small-scale farmers) normally excluded by other sources of credit (private banks and cooperatives). Nevertheless, the poorest segment of the population still has in the informal credit (chulqueros) its only accessible source of credit.


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How to Cite

Vasco, C. ., Tasambay Salazar, A. M., Herrera, B. ., & Tamayo, G. . (2013). Sources of credit and characteristics of credit users in Ecuador. An analysis with emphasis on the rural sector. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(1), 4–13.

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