Traditional agro-ecosystems with cocoa: Analysis of cases of small producers in Los Ríos, Ecuador


  • Emma Torres Navarrete Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo image/svg+xml
  • Alexandra Torres Navarrete Universidad Estatal Amazónica image/svg+xml
  • Adolfo Sánchez Laíño Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo image/svg+xml



Family farming, cocoa orchard, small producers, profitability


Eight traditional agroecosystems were described in the cantons of Mocache and Palenque in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador, with the purpose of detailing the management of the components from the point of view of small producers. For the selection of the informants, it was considered that the agroecosystem has cocoa cultivation within its components and that the production system is representative of the area. The methodology consisted in the application of surveys (agronomic, economic and social data) of interest in the same case carried out during a year. The results show that all the producers have as an important component in their production system besides the cocoa: corn, rice, passion fruit, fruit trees, forest species, banana, coffee and vegetables and in the livestock component chickens, chickens and pigs, being handled in traditional way The components that generate income throughout the year are cocoa + banana and passion fruit. The net benefits per hectare-1 were in the order of $2,617 and the average profitability was 113.93%. The Net benefit for average family consumption was 1 576.99 USD, generating a total annual income of 4 194USD, which indicates an average monthly income of 349.50. It is concluded that traditional agroecosystems generate monthly income lower than the cost of the basic basket and the unified basic salary of Ecuador, which for the year 2016 was 506.90. USD and 366.00 respectively.


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How to Cite

Torres Navarrete, E. D., Torres Navarrete, A. E., & Sánchez Laíño, A. R. (2018). Traditional agro-ecosystems with cocoa: Analysis of cases of small producers in Los Ríos, Ecuador. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 7(2), 83–94.



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