Effect of two organic fertilizers (compost and biol) on the morphological development of Beta vulgaris L. var. cycle under greenhouse conditions





compost, biol, morphological development, chemical composition


Greenhouse vegetable production is important for Ecuador and the Amazon due to the food potential which has its consumption, which corresponds to the claim that contain indications to improve the quality of life of the population within the Plan of Good Living. The Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla specie was studied under greenhouse at CIPCA in the UEA from April 2013 to May 2014. The treatments were combinations of biol and compost. An experimental design in blocks at random with three treatments and three replicas evaluating parameters was used such as: plant height, leave number and foliar area; the content of, in addition to, the matter content dry, ash, fat and fiber in foliage, to determine the agricultural yield. The results showed the useful results of compost in soil, as it is demonstrated in the result of analyzed indicators; however, some parameters such as: dynamic growth, number of leaves, leaf area, percent of matter dry roots, as well as the contents of fat, fiber and ash found no significant differences in comparison with the use of biol.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Guerra, Y., Alemán Pérez, R. D., Domínguez Brito, J., Soria Re, S., Hernández Ramos, H., Salazar Gaibor, C., & Jara Arguello, M. del R. (2016). Effect of two organic fertilizers (compost and biol) on the morphological development of Beta vulgaris L. var. cycle under greenhouse conditions. Revista Amazónica. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 5(2), 103–117. https://doi.org/10.59410/RACYT-v05n02ep01-0137

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